quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2024

The Importance of Including Knowledge of Patients' Rights in the Training of Health Professionals

 Here we address the need to include knowledge of patient rights in the training of healthcare professionals. Currently, the relationship between health professional and patient goes beyond the technical aspect, requiring a thorough understanding of the rights and duties of both parties. Addressing this issue aims to strengthen the work of health professionals, guaranteeing ethical and legally-backed practice.

                                              Fonte: Freepik.

The main aim of training health professionals is to prepare individuals who are able to act in the care and promotion of the population's health. However, the legal aspect and patient rights are often neglected in this educational process. The inclusion of knowledge about Patients' Rights is therefore essential in order to guarantee ethical and effective action on the part of professionals in the field.

The relationship between healthcare professional and patient is based on ethical and legal principles that govern healthcare. According to Santos et al. (2018), "knowledge of patient rights allows for greater autonomy and participation by the individual in their treatment, as well as strengthening the relationship of trust with the health professional".

Including knowledge of Patients' Rights in the training of health professionals can be done through specific subjects, lectures and training. According to Lima (2019), "understanding patient rights, such as informed consent, medical confidentiality and civil liability, is fundamental for an ethical and legally supported professional practice".

In addition, current legislation, such as the Code of Medical Ethics and the Consumer Protection Code, establishes guidelines and standards that must be followed by health professionals in their daily work. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to serious legal consequences for health professionals and institutions.

Including knowledge of Patients' Rights in the training of healthcare professionals is fundamental to ensuring safe, ethical and responsible clinical practice. Understanding patients' rights and duties helps to promote a relationship of trust, respect and transparency between health professionals and patients. It is therefore essential that educational institutions and health regulatory bodies invest in the training of future professionals, with a view to providing quality care that complies with current legislation.

Read more:

- Santos, A.; Oliveira, M.; Silva, R. (2018). Patient rights: an ethical approach to the relationship between health professional and patient. Journal of Bioethics, 24(2), 198-215.

- Lima, C. (2019). The importance of including knowledge about Patients' Rights in the training of health professionals. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 35(4), 672-689. 

- Code of Medical Ethics. Federal Council of Medicine. Available at: [http://www.portalmedico.org.br/novoportal/index...](http://www.portalmedico.org.br/novoportal/index...)

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